These Privacy Policies describe how ANDEAN WIDE CAPITAL SpA (hereinafter 'ANDEAN WIDE'), its related companies or subcontractors, collect, process, protect, and communicate Users' Personal Data and Personal Information on the website platform, in accordance with Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life, without prejudice to incorporating some approaches recognized as good practices in this matter.

Thus, the following privacy policy includes the use and information related to your personal data requested by Andean Wide. It is important to read carefully as it is necessary for the use of our services and implies your unconditional acceptance of all the provisions included herein. This Policy will take effect upon the User's acceptance and will remain in force until the User revokes authorization for its processing. Revocation must always be in writing and will not have retroactive effect, without prejudice to the User requesting the total deletion of their data once their relationship with Andean Wide has ended.

Andean Wide may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and will notify Users by sending emails or text messages (SMS) to their mobile phone, attaching the updated version of this document and/or an explanatory copy of the modifications. Likewise, updates to the Privacy Policies will be announced on the main page or other sections of its web platform and functionalities, respectively, to keep Users always informed. In any case, Users must expressly approve the new terms and conditions to continue using the web platform.

If the User revokes their authorization for the processing of their personal data, or does not accept the new Privacy Policies, the relationship between the User and Andean Wide will be dissolved, and the Personal Information and Personal Data of that User will not be used in any way other than authorized for such an event. Similarly, if requested by the User, such information may be permanently deleted from the records generated by the Platform, in accordance with this Policy. Likewise, if these provisions are not accepted, the Andean Wide service should not be used.

1. Definitions

Data storage: Retention or safeguarding of data in a record or database.

Database: An organized set of personal data, whether automated or not, and regardless of the form or mode of its creation or organization, that allows the data to be related to each other and enables all types of data processing.

Data communication or transmission: Revealing personal data in any way to individuals other than the owner, whether identified or not.

Statistical data: Data that, by its origin or as a result of its processing, cannot be associated with an identified or identifiable owner.

Personal data: Data relating to any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons.

Sensitive data: Personal data referring to physical or moral characteristics of individuals or facts or circumstances of their private life or intimacy, such as personal habits, racial origin, political ideologies and opinions, religious beliefs or convictions, physical or mental health status, and sexual life.

Data deletion or cancellation: Destruction of data stored in records or databases, regardless of the procedure used.

Data modification: Any change in the content of the data stored in records or databases.

Onboarding: The process of integrating a new client into the Andean Wide Capital web platform.

Politically Exposed Persons (PEP): Chileans or foreigners who hold or have held prominent public functions in a country, up to at least one year after leaving office.

Data controller: A private natural or legal person, or the respective public entity, responsible for decisions related to the processing of personal data.

Third parties: Any natural or legal person other than Andean Wide Capital, its suppliers, clients, and associated counterparts on the Platform. For the purposes of this policy, 'third party' refers to any natural or legal person not authorized by a contractual relationship to access confidential information and/or personal data contained in Andean Wide's databases or those of other mentioned companies.

Data owner: The natural person to whom the personal data refers.

Data processing: Any operation or set of operations or technical procedures, whether automated or not, that allow the collection, storage, recording, organization, elaboration, selection, extraction, comparison, interconnection, disassociation, communication, assignment, transfer, transmission, or cancellation of personal data, or their use in any other way.

User: Any person who has registered, verified, and uses the Andean Wide Capital web platform at

2. Information obtained from Andean Wide Capital and its use

To use Andean Wide's web platform, Users must first register and verify the data requested by completing a registration form (the 'Registration') with the following Personal Data: (i) full name, email, date of birth, type of identity card, identity card number, phone, profession, nationality, residence address in Chile or permanent residence country, occupation, country of residence, contact number, source of funds, and purpose of the commercial relationship with Andean Wide.

In the case of legal entities, company name or trade name, RUT number or tax identifier if it is a foreign company, business address, phone, date of incorporation, names, surnames, and percentage of participation of shareholders; names, surnames of the legal representative; names, surnames, and percentage of participation of the final beneficiaries; names, surnames, and percentage of participation in the effective control of the company. Proof of incorporation documents, legal form, and statute, in accordance with the provisions of UAF Circular 57.

Information related to the recipient: full name, type of identification, identification number, date of birth, email, address, phone, bank, account number, and Swift code. This information provided by the Client is necessary to request a quote for sending or processing payments. To use some services or access certain content, you will need to provide personal data, which will only be used for the requested purpose.

Registration of wallet addresses, indicating the wallet address and network.

The Personal Data entered by the User in the Registration must be accurate, current, and truthful at all times. Andean Wide reserves the right to request proof and/or additional data to verify the Personal Data provided in the Registration and to suspend, temporarily or permanently, any User whose data could not be confirmed. Nevertheless, Andean Wide, its related companies, or subcontractors, are not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, and/or authenticity of the data entered in the Registration, as these are provided by the User and are their sole responsibility.

The Personal Data provided by the User will be integrated into a database managed by Andean Wide. Likewise, the Users' Personal Information will be collected and used only as described in these Privacy Policies.

The platform may automatically collect certain information, including but not limited to the type of mobile device the customer uses, unique mobile device identifiers, the IP address of their mobile device, the mobile operating system, the type of mobile web browser they use, and information about how they use the platform.

3. Purpose of processing Personal Data and Personal Information

By accepting these Privacy Policies, the User declares and expresses:

  • a) That they authorize Andean Wide Capital to collect, process, use, and communicate their Personal Data and Personal Information, in accordance with these Privacy Policies and Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life.
  • b) That they authorize Andean Wide Capital to process their Personal Data and Personal Information to analyze and study it to improve the quality of the Service it offers, as well as to promote the products and services marketed through Andean Wide Capital, for as long as they are a User of the Platform.
  • c) That they authorize Andean Wide Capital to send them information or notices to their email, text messages (SMS) to their mobile phone, or notifications within the Platform about advertisements and/or promotions that may be of interest to the Users, or information about Andean Wide Capital's services and/or its related companies. The User may always request to be excluded from the promotional and/or advertising information lists by sending an email to:
  • d) That they acknowledge and accept that Andean Wide Capital may disclose, share, or communicate, in whole or in part, their Personal Data and Personal Information with its parent company, related persons, or affiliated or related companies, at any time and under the conditions it deems appropriate, provided that the same purposes for which Andean Wide Capital was authorized are fulfilled. In such cases, Andean Wide Capital will ensure that certain standards are met through agreements or contracts aimed at maintaining the privacy of such Personal Data and Personal Information, as well as ensuring that the purposes for which they are collected and processed are fulfilled.
  • e) That they expressly authorize Andean Wide Capital to store and process their Personal Data and/or communicate it to its related companies and subcontractors, in accordance with Law No. 19.628 and Andean Wide Capital's Privacy Policy, to fulfill the objectives referred to by the Platform and this instrument.
  • f) That acknowledges that, in some cases, outsourced service providers may collect information directly from the Client or User, for example, through surveys or studies. In such cases, the Client or User will receive a notification about the participation of a service provider in such activities, and it will be at their discretion whether or not to provide their Personal Data or other Personal Information that may be requested, as well as to authorize these providers to use or share that information. If the Client or User voluntarily authorizes the collection and processing of their Personal Data or other additional information by these providers, they will use that information according to their own privacy policies. Thus, the Client or User accepts and acknowledges that Andean Wide Capital is not responsible for the misuse of their Personal Data and/or other Personal Information by providers, companies, or websites acting on their own behalf. In accordance with the law, the provider collecting personal data from clients or users must always inform them about the voluntary nature of responses and the specific purpose for which the information is being requested.
  • g) That agrees that calls made to the Platform's technical or financial support service and/or functionalities may be recorded to supervise the provision of the Service by Andean Wide; forward inquiries, suggestions, or complaints to the relevant parties; and investigate serious situations that may be reported.
  • h) That authorizes Andean Wide to share their Personal Information and Personal Data to comply with applicable regulations and cooperate with judicial and/or governmental authorities, as referred to in clause seven of this Privacy Policy.
  • i) That acknowledges being solely responsible for all actions taken using their Account, passwords, and/or biometric accesses, including potential withdrawals, transfers, and damages that other Users and/or third parties may suffer.

Additionally, Andean Wide Capital will collect, process, and share Users' Personal Data and Personal Information to provide security, comply with applicable laws, and/or ensure that the Services are delivered properly. In this way, Andean Wide Capital may use the collected information to:

  • Create and update the User's Account.
  • Verify the User's identity.
  • Confirm the accuracy of Users' Personal Data.
  • Process and/or facilitate the use of the Platform and each of its functionalities.
  • Provide Clients with information about their prepaid account, as well as each of the services contracted through the functionalities offered by Andean Wide Capital.
  • Conduct tests, research, and analysis regarding the provision of Services and the products purchased by Clients.
  • Carry out the necessary steps for the pre-contractual, contractual, and post-contractual stages related to any of the products or services offered or requested.
  • Verify compliance with regulatory requirements, potential conflicts of interest, financial, legal, and commercial feasibility derived from business relationships with their clients and suppliers.
  • Create databases for the purposes described in this Policy.

The Personal Data and Personal Information that the User provides during the use of the Platform may be transmitted to other functionalities offered by Andean Wide and vice versa, to reduce the Client's registration time in one or another functionality, which the User authorizes by accepting this Privacy Policy. This is without prejudice to any reminders or information that Andean Wide Capital may provide to the Client on this matter whenever deemed necessary.

4. Security and Storage of Personal Data

Andean Wide will process the Personal Data of its Users in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life, always respecting the full exercise of their fundamental rights.

Andean Wide considers the Personal Data and other Personal Information of its Users as their assets that must be protected from any loss, processing, or unauthorized access. Therefore, it will take all necessary precautions to safeguard them by implementing effective computer security mechanisms to protect the information. Andean Wide is committed to complying with all applicable regulations regarding security and cybersecurity measures applicable to Personal Data, using industry standards for the protection and confidentiality of Personal Information.

However, considering that the Internet is an open, public access system, Andean Wide cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties may not eventually bypass security measures and improperly use the User's Personal Information and/or Personal Data.

Andean Wide, its related companies, or subcontractors are not responsible for illegal interceptions or breaches of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Andean Wide is also not responsible for the improper use of information obtained through these means. This is without prejudice to its obligation to report such incidents to those affected as soon as possible.

The Client may at any time access their information stored by Andean Wide, as well as the terms and conditions governing its use, and the Privacy Policy employed by Andean Wide.

Andean Wide will not sell, lease, or share Users' Personal Data or other Personal Information, except in the ways established in this Privacy Policy.

Andean Wide Capital will retain Personal Data and Personal Information for the duration of the relationship between Andean Wide Capital and the Users, and for a period of up to six (6) years after the termination of that relationship or the revocation of authorization for processing. This is to resolve potential disputes or claims, detect problems or incidents, and address them, and to comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.

5. Rights of Access, Modification, Rectification, and Deletion of Personal Data

The user, as the owner of their Personal Data and Personal Information, may exercise the rights granted by Law No. 19.628 and its subsequent amendments at any time, free of charge once per semester. Specifically, they may:

  • Request information regarding the data banks for which Andean Wide is responsible, the legal basis for their existence, their purpose, the types of data stored, and a description of the universe of people they include;
  • Request information about the data related to their person, its origin and recipient, the purpose of the storage, and the identification of the individuals or entities to whom their data is regularly transmitted;
  • Request modification of their personal data when it is incorrect, inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, or outdated, if applicable;
  • Request the deletion or cancellation of the provided data when desired, which will result in the termination of the services provided through the web Platform;
  • Request, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 19.628, a copy of the altered record in the relevant part, if applicable;
  • Object to their personal data being used for statistical purposes.
  • The request for access, modification, rectification, and/or deletion of Personal Data must be made via email to, including their full name, national identity card or taxpayer number, and mobile phone number. Notwithstanding any changes made, Andean Wide may retain the previous personal information for security and fraud control reasons in case of reasonable doubts.

5.3. In case of a violation of the above provisions, Users may appeal to the competent court in Santiago, seeking protection of the rights enshrined in Law No. 19.628.

6. Platform Use Reservation

Andean Wide reserves the right to verify, by any means it deems most appropriate, all the background information provided by the User during Onboarding.

Andean Wide may deny access to the Platform and may eventually proceed to close the User's account if minors under 18 access the Platform without proper representation, if PEPs and/or other individuals present a risk to the company and its Clients, in accordance with its internal policies.

7. Legal Requirements

Andean Wide will cooperate with competent authorities to ensure compliance with current regulations, for example, in matters such as the protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, prevention of money laundering, terrorism financing, antitrust defense, and consumer protection, among other particularly applicable legal frameworks.

Andean Wide may disclose the Personal Information and Personal Data of its Users if required by competent judicial or governmental authorities for investigations conducted by them, even without an executive or judicial order or subpoena, as well as in the case of criminal investigations, fraud, cybercrime, intellectual or industrial property rights violations that may be illegal or that could expose Andean Wide, its related companies, subcontractors, or Users to any legal liability.

Additionally, Andean Wide reserves the right (and Users expressly authorize it to do so) to communicate information to competent public entities when there are sufficient grounds to believe that a User's activity is suspected of attempting or committing a crime. Andean Wide will exercise this right at its sole discretion when it has indications of such circumstances and deems it appropriate or necessary to maintain the integrity and security of the community and its Users; to enforce the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of the Service, and to cooperate with law enforcement and compliance. Andean Wide will exercise this right regardless of whether there is a judicial or administrative order to that effect.

8. Changes in e-mail and SMS Preferences

Without prejudice to the duty of updating and informing maintained by Andean Wide with all users of its web Platform, they may select the emails, SMS, and promotional information they wish to receive from Andean Wide.

If the user does not wish to receive such communications, they may request to change their preferences on the web Platform, following the instructions provided by Andean Wide in its communications, or through their Account, selecting the information they wish to receive.

9. Final Provisions

This Privacy Policy is complementary to the Terms and Conditions of the web Platform, so the terms defined in the latter will be understood to apply to this document. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in case of discrepancies between the two documents regarding personal and data information, the provisions of the Privacy Policy will always prevail.

10. Contact

For questions, comments, and requests regarding our privacy policies, you can contact Andean Wide Capital at the following email address: and at the following address: El Bosque Norte 107, Office 91, Las Condes district, Metropolitan Region of Santiago.